Three colleagues stand and look down at a piece of paper being held by the person in the center. To the left of the people is the SDEC logo.

Announcing The Search Discovery Education Community

Jun 1, 2020


The digital data & analytics field is both amazing and scary at the same time. It’s amazing because it is such a growing field with amazing people and [in normal times] more jobs than candidates. But it can be scary because things move fast! Years ago, if you knew how to download data in Excel and analyze it, you were in good shape. Nowadays, it feels like knowing how to analyze data, write JSON objects, program in R or Python, and run SQL queries are just table stakes!

Keeping up with the latest tools, technologies, and trends can be tough, especially with a busy day job. At Search Discovery, one of our core values is Craftsmanship, which requires both teaching and learning.

Core Values 2020 07

You demonstrate excellence in your chosen discipline. You are a teacher, but also a student eager to learn new skills and disciplines.


One of the great ways to keep a pulse on what is going on in the industry is to join organizations like the Digital Analytics Association or the Test and Learn Community (TLC) or to participate in the Measure Slack group. Search Discovery is a huge supporter of and participant in these communities.

But participating in discussion forums often only scratches the surface when it comes to important topics. At events like Adobe Summit, Dreamforce, and Domopalooza, we’ve seen that people in our industry have a real thirst for deeper education.

This has become even more apparent during the current COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has accelerated the need for businesses to move their operations online and/or improve digital experiences. At the same time, some of our industry friends and colleagues have found themselves furloughed or looking for new jobs due to COVID-19.

But, as always, the amazing people in our industry have stepped up. In-person events like Adobe Summit and Digital Analytics Association Symposia have adapted and moved online. Search Discovery alumni Michael Helbling and Evan LaPointe have created JOIN as a way to match displaced analytics workers with analytics projects. Accordingly, Search Discovery would like to help during these trying times. Whatever your current situation, knowing more about your field and the tools used in the industry only helps make you more marketable and employable.


Later this year, Search Discovery had planned on launching a new program to offer free education in key areas of digital analytics. But based on the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to accelerate this launch so those looking for new jobs can take advantage of the content sooner. Therefore, we are now launching the Search Discovery Education Community (SDEC). The SDEC will provide free online education webinars for the following topic areas:

  • Adobe Analytics
  • Business Intelligence
  • CDPs
  • Data Analysis/Visualization
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Science
  • Digital Strategy
  • Google Analytics
  • Paid Media
  • SEO
  • Tag Management/Data Layer

Our goal is to host regular educational webinars around the preceding topics and let SDEC members choose which sessions they wish to attend. Content will be driven by the demand we see for each topic area. All sessions will include Q&A and will be recorded and posted to an SDEC Slack group for those who cannot attend in person. Initially, educational sessions will be conducted by Search Discovery employees, such as Adam Greco, Tim Wilson, John Lovett, Jim Gordon, etc., but it is our hope to bring in guest speakers and that, in the future, SDEC members will volunteer to share things they know and/or cool things their organizations are doing.


So if you want to participate in this new community and get access to free educational content, please click on the link below, complete the form, and indicate the topics for which you would like to be notified. Please note the following:

  • The SDEC will NOT be used for marketing, so completing the form will not add you to any sales or marketing list.
  • The SDEC is open to anyone, but keep in mind that webinars will likely be done live in the US time zones.

If you have any questions, please email We look forward to seeing you on a future SDEC webinar!

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