Seven light bulbs in a row with one that is lit up.

Structured Ideation Techniques 101

Merritt Aho
Optimization Director
Mar 25, 2022

This is the first post in a series that outlines ideation techniques to develop customer-centric test hypotheses. Use these methods to power your experimentation platform and your a/b testing program.

Not long ago, I wrote about how to optimize your test ideas with better ideation methods. Today, we’re kicking off a series of posts to compliment our free, in-depth guide to using structured ideation methods to generate better ideas, better tests, and better decisions.

All You Need To Know About Powering Your Tests With High-Value Ideas: GET THE GUIDE

Ideation for more wins and bigger lifts

We’ve partnered with Conductrics on this comprehensive two-part guide, because, as Conductrics CEO and Founder Matt Gershoff says,

“Most of the work—and value—in experimentation is in how well the problem is defined upfront; how well the experiment is designed; and how well the team is able to understand and interpret the experiment’s results.”

Work surrounding how well a problem is defined isn’t ostensibly sexy, but it’s foundational, and doing this work gets more wins and bigger lifts when you apply a reliable ideation toolkit that scales with your experimentation program.

Chapter 1: Structured Ideation Methods 101

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Source: Unsplash

This first chapter of the guide is for true beginners or for those wanting to make the case to leaders that using a structured ideation process is super beneficial. You’ll learn what structured ideation is, why it matters, and all the need-to-know basics to start yourself off right before diving into the six methods we detail at length.

Being good at validating ideas via experimentation, does not, as a matter of course, make one good at generating ideas to validate. If you’re not happy with your current program ROI, it might be time to look at the quality of the research going into your idea generation.

In this chapter we give the definition of ideation, explain why structure is needed, provide the basis for ideation prioritization, and teach you how to create a scalable idea generation system. We discuss how to build strong hypotheses with reduced bias and diversified evidence. Finally, we discuss the value of getting outside help to extend access to broader perspectives and deeper experience.

Reaching experimentation maturity with Search Discovery & Conductrics

At Search Discovery, we help organizations develop processes and structures to amplify their experimentation program’s impact. Our research and experimentation experts work with our SEO, digital media, analytics, and data science teams to ensure that the strategic support we provide is well-rounded, integrated, and that it sharpens your competitive edge in the marketplace. Our partnership with Conductrics ensures your problems are well-defined up front and your experiments to validate and optimize your decision-making are technically and statistically sound. Conductrics is the only experimentation platform that offers advanced optimization technologies and full-stack integrations on dedicated servers for each client. Our partnership helps you

  • Apply statistical principles to your ideation process and your experimental design,
  • Implement state-of-the-art technology
  • Provide training and support for the long haul

Stay tuned for more chapter summaries and download the guide to get helpful, downloadable bonus materials in nearly every chapter

download the guide to get bonus ideation materials to mature your a/b testing program.

Contact us today to take advantage of the Search Discovery and Conductrics partnership, which helps you generate your most high-value ideas and power those ideas with cutting-edge technology.

Merritt Aho
Optimization Director

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